Writer & traveller since 1968 (Iraq, Morocco, Egypt, India, Atlantic sailboat crossings). Early work as populariser translated into 16 languages. Poetry in journals & anthologies in UK, USA, Sweden, India. Collected microfictions in Tales for my dog.

Tales for my dog

80 microfictions, from humour to horror

Now published by David Heidenstam under his Grey Dolphin Press imprint.

More information here

Tales for my dog


In the Beginning…
a stage play
now published


One day
a short animation
script available to applicants.

More information here



On these portfolio pages, there are only a few items to begin with. But I hope to post something every week or so.

New postings will go at the bottom of pages.

To go to the start of a page, please use the links here or in the top menu:

Or you can go straight to the most recent Footloose postings by using the Recent Posts carousel below.

Current publications

Apart from Tales for my dog and In the Beginning…, any other items published – poems and stories in magazines – will be mentioned here as they happen.

They’ll probably be much too short to buy a whole magazine for…

But buy one anyway! – poetry and literary magazines are usually broke. Sometimes they don’t deserve to be.


The opening passages of David Heidenstam’s long poem, “Gentle evasions”, were online in Volume 8 of the American Journal of Poetry – now sadly defunct. But they have also just appeared in print as an addition to the final pages of his collected short poems, Fault Lines.

The short story (microfiction)  “The hook of the sea” appeared in the February 2022 edition of Popshot magazine (available in the UK through WH Smith).

 Several of his short poems have recently appeared, or are about to, in the journals Blue Unicorn and Cold Mountain Review (USA), Acumen, En Bloc, Obsessed with Pipework, Orbis, Pennine Platform, Prole, The Frogmore Papers, and The Journal (UK), Two Thirds North (Sweden), and (pending Covid) Lakeview International (India).

Most of those from Acumen, three short poems from the 1970s, are also online here.

And meanwhile some – mostly wry – verses about the writing of poetry have been posted online by Eunoia Review (Singapore) here, under the overall title of Poetic Licences..


Please excuse the formality – there’s a lot of confusion out there.

All items, of course, remain copyright. Posting here does not put them in the public domain!

Individual small items may be quoted elsewhere on the internet if credited and linked to this site.

They may also be quoted briefly in print under the usual ‘fair use’ rules.

Otherwise, please use the Contact Form for permission. Thank you!

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